"Promoting School-Based Family Counseling Globally"

This collaborative team was initiated by Oxford Symposium member Amanda Carlow, a school counselor on the Lakota Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, to address youth suicide in her community. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Native American youth in the 15- to 24-year-old age group and 2.5 times the national rate.

Amanda Carlow, BSc, School Counselor, Pine Ridge High School, Pine Ridge Reservation
Brian Gerrard, PhD, Chair, Institute for School-Based Family Counseling; Member: Center for Child & Family
Development, University of San Francisco
Carol Buchholz Holland, PhD, School Counseling Program Coordinator, North Dakota State University, Fargo,
North Dakota (Team Facilitator)
Michael Kelly, PhD, Professor: Family & School Partnership Program Director, Loyola University School of
Social Work, Chicago, Illinois
Nancy Iverson, MD Pediatrician and founder and director of PATHSTAR, San Francisco, California
Allan Morotti, PhD, lately Dean: School of Education, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Aimee Pond, MSW, CSW, Youth Leadership Development Initiative Director, Thunder Valley, CDC, Porcupine,
South Dakota
Jennifer Sierra, EdD, Principal: Rockyford School, Porcupine, South Dakota
Betsy Wisner, PhD, Associate Professor, Worden School of Science, Our Lady of the Lake University, San
Antonio, Texas