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The time slot for a presentation is 30 minutes for 1 presenter, 45 minutes for multiple presenters.


Please leave 10-15 minutes for discussion and group interaction as your topic is likely to stimulate much interest among members.


It is important, also, that presenters clearly link their presentation to School-Based Family Counseling theory and literature.


The best sources for current SBFC literature are:


1. the Proceedings listed on this website and available on Amazon












2. the following SBFC texts authored mainly by our members:


















3.  the International Journal for School-Based Family Counseling (see link below)







The attached Chapter 1 from the  text: School-Based Family Counseling: Transforming Family-School Relationships gives a useful overview. The chapter also includes the SBFC Model which provides a map for conceptualizing the variety of family and school interventions and may provide a useful way of linking your presentation to other SBFC interventions.








You should also familiarize your self with the SBFC Metamodel and how your presentation relates to it:




Proceedings Picture.png
SBFC books.png






                                                    Program Format:

Moderator Introduces Presenter (2-3 minutes)

Presenter makes presentation (30 minutes)

When 5 minutes are left a bell (or similar sound) will notify the presenter.

Moderator facilitates discussion (15 minutes)




©2024 by Institute for  School-Based Family Counseling.

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