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The Award for Outstanding Contribution to School-Based Family Counseling is presented each year to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the field of School-Based Family Counseling through research or program development.

2003      DR. JOHN FRIESEN                         

              Professor Emeritus: University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada


2004      DR. HANS EVERTS                           

              Coordinator of Counsellor Education and Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand                                                              

2005      DR. WILLIAM GLASSER                    

              President and Founder: The William Glasser Institute, California, United States


2006      DR. TERESITA JOSE                         

              Adjunct Associate Professor, Psychology Department, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada                                                                                             

2007      DR. MEJI SINGH                               

              Adjunct Professor, University of California, Berkeley, California, United States


              DR. BILHA NOY                                 

              Head: Psychological and Counselling Service, Ministry of Education, Israel



              Professor & Head: Department of Psychology, University of Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa



              Professor Emerita: Institute for Catholic Educational Leadership, University of San Francisco, California, United States                                                                                     

              DR. JAMES L. MOORE, III               

              Director: Todd Anthony Bell National Resource Center on the African American Male, Ohio State University, United States                                                                              

2010      DR. NANCY IVERSON                       

              Pediatric Consultant, Comfort for Kids, Hospice of the East Bay, San Francisco, California, United States                                                                                             

2011      DR. PATTIE LUK-FONG YUK YEE       

              Professor Emerita, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, SAR, China


2012      DR. GERTINA van SCHALKWYK       

              Coordinator of Mentoring and Professional Development (CTLE), University of Macau, Macao, SAR, China                                                                                  

2013      DR. ALLAN MOROTTI                       

              Professor & Dean, School of Education, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, United States


2014      DR. ANDREW SMITH                         

              Professor & Dean: Bethlehem Tertiary Institute, Tauranga, New Zealand



              Regional Manager, The Place2Be, London, United Kingdom


2016      DR. JUDY GOODELL                         

              Associate Professor, Counseling Psychology Department, University of San Francisco, California, United States                                                                                 

              MRS. JUDY GIAMPAOLI                   

              School Outreach Director:  Center for Child & Family Development, University of San Francisco, California, United States                                                                                      

2017      DR. RALPH COHEN                         

              Professor:Department of Counselor Education & Family Therapy, Central Connecticut University, Connecticut, United States                                                                                  

              DR. KATHLEEN LAUNDY                   
              Adjunct Professor, Department of Counselor Education & Family Therapy, Central Connecticut University, United States                                                                                 

2018       DR. MICHAEL KELLY                       

               Professor: Department of Social Work, Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, United States



               Professor: Dept. of Learning, Instruction & Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel

2020       DR. HELEN SUNG

               Adjunct Professor: Alliant International University; School and Educational Psychologist: Cuperino Union School         

               District California, United States


               Human Social and Environmental Science Institute of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET)                   and Faculty of Psychology, Aconcagua University, Argentina


                Associate Professor & School Counseling Program Coordinator, School of Education, North Dakota State University,   

                Fargo, North Dakota, United States


















This award recognizes organizations such as community agencies, schools,

and colleges for developing an exemplary SBFC program.



2018     Place2Be          

          Place2Be as an exemplar of SBFC because of its emphasis on interventions that link home and school at more than 300 schools in the UK, the size and longevity of its programs, and the fiscal model that sustains its existence.






                                                2019     Sifriyat Pijama
          Using a combined school- and home-based model, books are delivered to children from diverse backgrounds: religious and secular; immigrant and Israeli-born; disadvantaged and wealthy. Within this diversity the books serve as a unifying influence, as teachers work together with families to encourage a love of reading, enhance the children's individual and collective identities, and reinforce the values and cultural heritage reflected in the stories. Evaluation findings and anecdotal testimonials consistently demonstrate that the program not only promotes children's budding literacy capabilities, but also impacts family reading habits, empowers disadvantaged families, and promotes a common literary and cultural canon among different strata of society.

2020  Mission Possible: A Private Practice Model for Implementing School-Based Family Counseling

The Mission Possible Program, developed by Christine L. Tippett, LCSW, LMFT, in collaboration with the Natomas Unified School District, is an example of a Best Practice program in SBFC. Between 1994 and 2020, it functioned in a private practice model, providing SBFC mental health services to youth and families in elementary and secondary schools throughout Sacramento and San Joaquin Counties in California.


2021 Disastershock Global Response Team

In 2020 Dr. Sue Linville Shaffer played a critical role in forming the Disastershock Global Volunteer Team. This 101 person team developed 30 translations of the book Disastershock: How to Cope with the Emotional Stress of a Major Disaster and made them available free globally to families affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. In Fall, 2020 the team renamed to the Disastershock Global Response Team and developed a school version of the Disastershock book for principals and teachers. In addition the team developed Tip Sheets for easy distribution of coping information, developed a dedicated website with Arts & Recovery programing, a Facebook site, and conducted research into best practices for dealing with the pandemic. The Disastershock Global Response Team is an example of a Best Practice in SBFC developed to address disaster affecting families and schools.

                                                                       2022  EdCampUkraine


 "EdCamp Ukraine (Ukrainian: ЕдКемп Україна) is a movement of educators in Ukraine. It is based on the principles of the worldwide EdCamp movement, which originated in the United States. Ukraine was the third country in Europe and the ninth in the world to join the original movement in 2014. As of 2020, EdCamp Ukraine is the second biggest EdCamp community in the world, and the biggest community of educators in Ukraine.

The EdCamp Ukraine movement is supported by a non-governmentalnon-profit public organization of the same name, which focuses on improving the Ukrainian education system. EdCamp Ukraine organizes career-enhancement training for teachers, lobbies the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science for educational reforms, and organizes various projects for educators and students." (Wikipedia)


The Best Practice Award is for  innovative programming that empowers teachers in ways that promote both  student and parent resilience.

                           2022 Diasatershock Ambassador Program

The Disastershock Global Response Team Ambassador Program is designed to give high school students from around the world an opportunity to participate as interns in the Disastershock Global Response Team (DGRT). The Disastershock Global Response Team is an international humanitarian relief organization dedicated to providing coping resources to children and families affected by disaster-related stress. DGRT Ambassadors are high school volunteers who, with parent permission, contribute 1-3 hours a week during a single 4 month period (September - December; January - April; May - August). The internship is primarily a virtual internship conducted through the internet (through zoom meetings, email exchange, and internet research). Intern activities include:Attending monthly general DGRT meetings on zoom; Participating in smaller zoom work teams such as : Educator Collaboration Team, Tip Sheets Team, Arts & Recovery Team, Facebook Team, Research Team; Assisting in distributing free DGRT stress-reduction resources through the internet to communities affected by disaster; Developing internet resources for the Disastershock website (e.g. resources for making schools more resilient and better prepared to deal with disaster); Collaborating on zoom with high school student interns from other countries. High School intern supervision is provided by Program Coordinator and Founder Eileen Klima, MA, LMFT in weekly zoom meetings. During 2022 the Ambassadors played a critical role in helping distribute coping materials to several disasters areas around the world.

©2024 by Institute for  School-Based Family Counseling.

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